Poems ::
Farhain Khan
English Literature
30 Articles
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Prakriti Parth
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Article ::
Shahswat Amit
Article ::
Shahswat Amit
Poems :: Ojachito (I) I have heard that Dronacharya formed the Chakravyuha today. Amongst all of you,…
Trans-created : Ojachito (from Original Hindi) Foreword The contemporaneity belongs to the age of the Control Society…
Poems :: Gyanendrapati, Krishna Kalpit & Anchit Translations: Ojachito Trilogy of Chetna Pareek Poems: The three poems…
Poems:: Kumar Ambuj Translations: Anchit Kumar Ambuj is well known for his deep investigations of power centres…
Poems: Anamika Translations: Anchit Known for her intellectual deliberations and sentimental excursions of the female psyche among…