Poems ::
Anagh Sharma

Anagh Sharma
Dream Work
I have seen myself
many ages ago, like melting ice.
I am watching myself
at this time with a fierce thirst.
I will see myself
in future on barren land.
Have I seen it?
Am I watching?
Will I see it?
I have trespassed many dreams and shattered them
Dreams those were like light
Bright and silky.
I was like a cliff
from which the sun was falling in the sea
and I heard the dying sound of the sun,
I often dreamed that December’s fog
waiting outside of an old fashioned hospital,
where someone was trying to hold the hands of kids before the final goodbye.
What next in this dream?
At this point fog just fades this vision.
I will see myself in future on barren land where
fog will rest on my shoulders.
In the times
Especially in the times
when skies look blue but black inside
Solace has a cost for these black skies.
Nothing comes for free.
When the brightness falls on the steep, deep wet road of my heart,
solace laughs hidden somewhere in the wetness and speaks.
Remember, nothing comes for free.
A heavy heart, mere shadow of a tear
and an endless voyage is the cost.
Solace has a cost, it is you.
Yes! It is you.
In the end
What is there?
Divinity, sorrow and wind.
which has travelled to many places.
In all those places wind has searched my home –
My home which was warm but hidden somewhere,
My home once was standing on the corner of a road with a turn –
You can see three things from there.
Divinity, sorrow and wind.
Sorrow and divinity found places near the corner but
the wind didn’t like the house.
Since the wind has gone all leaves are still,
sorrow’s bewildered, divinity is resting.
And I am searching for the wind;
like it has searched my home.
At the end
There is a search.
Anagh Sharma is a well-known short-story writer whose works challenge the fine line between poetry and prose. It often happens that he stumbles upon some poems while in pursuit of his prose. He can be contacted at anaghsharma@hotmail.com